Public Deliverables
WP2 - Requirements, use cases and usability, evaluation
This deliverable provides the methods used for the requirements collection of the VRE architecture and prototypes, and presents the first findings form the user requirements analysis.
This deliverables describes the details of the methodology for evaluating VRE architectures, prototypes and use cases, and for evaluating the impact of the VRE4EIC project after M6.
This deliverable provides a full description of use-cases development.

This deliverable provides a full description of use-cases development.
WP3 - Architecture, VRE development, integration and scalability
This deliverable provides the initial architectural design of e-VRE; the virtual research environment reference architecture (later to be deployed as a prototype).
This deliverable provides a description of the implemented components of the Technical Architecture, named "Building Blocks" for their role in the enhancement of Virtual Research Environments.
This deliverable provides the results of two tasks within WP3 of the VRE4EIC project: "Integration of Reference VRE and enhanced existing VREs" and "Design and development of a GUI for eVRE".
This deliverable provides details of the architectural components, interfaces and related consideration leading to the technical architecture and the canonical reference prototype.
WP4 - Interoperability, metadata and research contextualization
This deliverable provides an overview of metadata usage in existing VREs, an analysis of the metadata elements they have in common and the differences in terms of semantics and syntax.
This deliverable presents the methodology used for the matching and mapping, also defining these two processes.
WP5 - Information management policy, security, privacy and VRE trustability
This document covers questions related to the data (or other resources) that is shared via the e-VRE, as well as questions about how to provide access to those resources. The latter is frequently referred to as AAAI (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting Infrastructure).
This deliverable identifies issues related to security, privacy and trust for the use of the VRE and defines a strategy to handle these issues.
This deliverable covers questions related to the data or other resources that are shared via the e-VRE, as well as questions about how to provide access to those resources. The latter is frequently referred to as AAAI (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting Infrastructure).
This deliverable describes the strategies from both technical and data governance perspectives regarding the security, privacy and trust aspects recommended by the VRE4EIC project.
WP6 - Communities engagement and training
This deliverable describes the engagement and training objectives and the activities planning.
This deliverable provides specific measurable goals for evaluating the engagement of researchers in the project and for the training materials and events.
WP7 - Dissemination, exploitation and sustainability of the VRE, including standardisation

This deliverable provides the initial version of the visual identity and of the various materials that will be used consistently by the project partners (and possibly other stakeholders) to expose VRE4EIC to the external world.
This deliverable provides the first version of the VRE4EIC dissemination plan.The activities that are reported or planned in this document are related to external communication about the VRE4EIC project (and do not include the intra-project communication mechanisms). For each type of planned activities, the specific responsibilities of project partners have been very clearly defined.
This deliverable sets out the results of three workshops held in the first eight months of the project and looks forward to those already in planning.
This deliverable provides the second version of the VRE4EIC dissemination plan. It is an update of the first version delivered at M06 (D7.2), considering the recommendations produced at the mid-project review meeting.