Sophia Antipolis, France – 22 March 2016
Today, the VRE4EIC project announces the organisation of a workshop within the CeDEM16 conference for supporting the sharing of Open Data amongst communities of researchers.
The workshop is entitled “Virtual Research Environments: Obtaining new insights by sharing Open Data for interdisciplinary Research Purposes”. It is organised within the framework of the CeDEM16, the international Conference for e-Democracy and Open Government, that will take place in May 2016 at the Danube University Krems, Austria.The objective of this VRE4EIC workshop is to elicit, refine and discuss requirements for a secure and trusted Virtual Research Environments that integrates Open Government Data and open research data for researchers from multiple disciplines.
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Sophia Antipolis, France – 1 February 2016
ERCIM is leading a new EC research investment of 4,37m€ (the VRE4EIC project) to enhance Virtual Research Environments (VRE) aimed at (4) Empowering multi-disciplinary research communities and accelerate Innovation and Collaboration (EIC).
Together with ERCIM, 7 European organisations are joining forces: European research teams (CWI, TU Delft, CNR, FORTH) together with international organisations (EuroCRIS and W3C) and active e-Research infrastructures (ENVRIplus, represented by University of Amsterdam and EPOS, represented by INGV). Their objective is to build a VRE reference architecture and building blocks of an enhanced VRE (so-called e-VRE, the software outcome of the project).
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