VRE4EIC at the United Nations
VRE4EIC attended a Multi-stakeholder meeting on data interoperability for the Sustainable Development Goals at the UN in New York on 5th March.
The high level meeting brought together national statistics agencies, geospatial technologists and open data advocates. Many conversations about open data tend to promote the general idea of transparency as a general good, for this group of people, it's very much about using data to monitor specific indicators (the SDGs). Even so, the conversation mirrored the more general conversations with questions about policy, data governance, technologies and standards.
VRE4EIC's Phil Archer gave a brief presentation [1] about relevant work at W3C, in particular the likely near future Dataset Exchange Working Group that is the follow on to the project's SDSVoc workshop at the end of 2016.
[1] https://www.w3.org/2017/Talks/0305-phila-un/