VRE4EIC at 7th RDA Plenary conference in Tokyo
RDA (Research Data Alliance) held its 7th Plenary conference in Tokyo from 29 February to 3 March 2016.
As a participant in RDA since the beginning, Keith Jeffery was there to co-chair the joint groups on metadata as usual and to participate in many other groups – especially those concerned with specific research domains where there was interaction towards metadata standards and those concerned with other infrastructural topics where there were discussions of the role of metadata.
However, for this Plenary meeting Keith Jeffery (VRE4EIC Project) and Helen Glaves (EVER-EST Project) had proposed a BoF (Birds of a Feather) session to discuss if there should be an IG (Interest Group) on VREs (Virtual Research Environments, also known as VLs (Virtual Laboratories) and SGs (Science Gateways)) within RDA. A very lively and successful session concluded that we should have such an IG and Helen will be requesting a ‘proto-IG’ page on the RDA website where we can place resources (such as the presentations at the meeting and notes of the meeting) and conduct discussions, as well as finalising the charter (a formal statement of the purposes of the group that has to be approved by TAB (Technical Advisory Board) and Council).
It is also worth noting that a set of eInfrastructure poster about European e-Infrastructure displayed at the conference included a section on VRE4EIC.