A VRE4EIC workshop @IWSG
VRE4EIC will hold a workshop on Evaluation of Virtual Research Environment Architectures co-located with the 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG18) on the 15th June, 2018 in Edinburgh.
Researchers can access and use more and more research data in the digital age. They can use this data to obtain new insights, especially by combining datasets with other data. Discoverability of data is very important as a precondition for combining datasets and data. Data could be described by metadata in many ways and searching those metadata improves discoverability. Various projects are already producing e-Research Infrastructures to give researchers access to publicly funded research and open research data, and are developing towards Virtual Research Environments (VREs). VREs provide access to data, tools, and resources from different research infrastructures, and facilitate co-operation or collaboration between researchers at the same or different institutions, at the intra- and inter-institutional levels, and preserve data and other outputs (Carusi & Reimer, 2010).
The objective of this half-day workshop, which will take place in the afternoon following the close of the IWSG 2018 international workshop, is to review the architectural requirements for virtual research environments and their relationship to science gateways (North America), virtual laboratories (Australia) and collaboratories. As such the workshop should be of interest to most of the IWSG 2018 attendees. The main target is people interested in using, developing and extending virtual research environments. The expected outcome will be a written record of group discussions, a SWOT analysis and data collected from a questionnaire during the workshop.
Participation is free but registration is mandatory
If you are interested in attending, please register as soon as possible: Registration for the VRE4EIC workshop*
Attending the IWSG? You can register to our workshop via the IWSG registration** page too.